In the last blog I challenged you to Trust God, Trust the process!  Coaching is such a new field for many people that their first question is what is coaching?  They may have experienced a coach when they played in a sport at school, but why would someone want a coach if they are not playing sports? What is the process of coaching?

A lot like sports, people look to a coach because they want to get better at what they are doing.  Sometimes it is dealing with a situation at work with a co-worker, employee or employer they are having difficulty communicating with, or they are not feeling satisfied in their job and are wondering if they are in the right career, or they are looking to take their “game” to the next level at work, to name a few.

Some people are looking for help with relationships at home with their children, spouse, parents, relatives, neighbors, or friends.  Some are trying to figure out what their calling is in life and what it is God is calling them to.

You may feel like you know something needs to change, but you are not sure what step to take. Or you know exactly where you want to head, but are not sure how to get there.  Coaching enables you to look at all of your options and decide what next step will be most advantageous for you. The basic skill sets every coach (although referred to by various names depending upon what coaching school you go to) uses to help you decide your next steps are: Co-Creating the Relationship, Deep Listening, Powerful Questions, Creating New Awareness, and Actions and Accountability.

In order for coaching to take place effectively trust and intimacy must be established.  In our next blog we will look at the ethics of coaching!

God bless,